To integrate ChatGPT into an Angular application, we can follow these general steps:

  1. Set up an Angular project: If we don’t have an existing Angular project, create one using the Angular CLI by running the command ng new chat-app.
  2. Install the required dependencies: Open a terminal in our project’s root directory and run npm install @openai/api to install the OpenAI API package.
  3. Create a component: In our Angular project, create a new component to handle the chat interface. Run ng generate component chat in the terminal to generate a new component called ChatComponent.
  4. Import the OpenAI API: In the chat.component.ts file, import the OpenAI API using the following line at the top of the file:
import { OpenAI } from '@openai/api';
  1. Set up the OpenAI API: Below the imports, create an instance of the OpenAI class and initialize it with our OpenAI API key. We can obtain our API key from the OpenAI website.
const openai = new OpenAI('YOUR_API_KEY');
  1. Create a method for sending messages: Inside the ChatComponent class, create a method that takes a user’s message as input and sends it to the ChatGPT model for generating a response. We can use the openai.complete() method to make the API call.
async sendMessage(message: string) {
  const response = await openai.complete({
    engine: 'text-davinci-003',
    prompt: message,
    maxTokens: 50,
    temperature: 0.7,
    n: 1,
    stop: ['\n']

  const reply = response.choices[0].text.trim();
  // Do something with the reply, e.g., display it in the chat interface

In this example, we’re using the text-davinci-003 language model, setting the maximum response length to 50 tokens, and using a temperature of 0.7 for controlling the randomness of the output. Adjust these parameters according to your needs.

  1. Connect the chat interface: In the chat.component.html file, create an input field and a button for sending messages. Bind the input field to a component property, and call the sendMessage() method when the button is clicked.
<input [(ngModel)]="userMessage" placeholder="Type your message..." />
<button (click)="sendMessage(userMessage)">Send</button>
  1. Display the chat history: Create another component property to store the chat history, and update it with each sent message and received response. Modify the sendMessage() method to append the user’s message and the model’s response to the chat history.
  2. Style the chat interface: Apply CSS styles to the chat component to format and display the chat history and input field as desired.
  3. Test the integration: Run your Angular application with the ng serve command and open it in a web browser. Start sending messages through the chat interface and verify that the responses from ChatGPT are displayed correctly.

Remember to handle any potential errors and edge cases that may arise during the integration process. Also, consider implementing additional features like loading indicators or error messages to enhance the user experience.

By Shabazz

Software Engineer, MCSD, Web developer & Angular specialist

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