JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) are a common format for transferring information between different parts of an application. Angular is a popular framework for developing web applications. If we want to use JWTs in our Angular application, we can use the jwt-decode library to decode the JWTs and extract the information they contain.

What is jwt decode?

jwt-decode is a JavaScript library designed to make it easier to decode JWTs in simple JavaScript applications. It allows developers to analyze JWTs and extract the payload data they contain without complicated logic.

To use the jwt-decode library in our Angular application, Let us follow these steps:

1 –  Installation of the library
npm install jwt-decode
2 – Importing the library
import * as jwtDecode from 'jwt-decode';
3 – Decode JWT

Let us use the jwt-decode function to decode a JWT and retrieve the information it contains:

const token = 'IhrJWTTokenHier'; // Replace 'YourJWTTokenHere' with your actual JWT

const decodedToken = jwtDecode(token);


The decodedToken variable now contains the extracted information from the JWT.

We can now use the data contained in decodedToken in our Angular application, for example to display the logged in user or otherwise interact with the JWT data.


The jwt-decode library is a useful tool for easily processing JWTs in Angular applications. Using the steps above, we can decode JWTs in our application and leverage the information they contain.

By Shabazz

Software Engineer, MCSD, Web developer & Angular specialist

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